What is Twice-Exceptional?
What is Twice-Exceptional?

Twice-Exceptional, also known as " 2E "- is a term frequently used to identify individuals who are both Gifted and have what many consider a Disability, such as Autism, Dyslexia, or ADHD.

The Komodo Society embraces the concept that Giftedness comes in many forms, and while we do believe that all people have gifts, talents, and immense value, The Komodo Society was set up to identify and support giftedness in the Neurodiverse community:

Giftedness: Individuals have gifts and talents. When these gifts and talents are at substantially higher levels compared to others, they are often labeled as "Gifted". This can be in academics, athletics, business, research, and arts.

The Komodo Society embraces the concept of Neurodiversity, and recognizes that many with Autism, Dyslexia, ADHD, and other types of neurodiversity have varying perspectives on Neurodiversity, including but not limited to:

Neurodiversity Perspective: Individuals experience the world in different ways, and while there may be more common, or "neurotypical" perspectives - neurodiverse perspectives are no less valid. This Diversity is not a deficit, but rather natural variation that exists in human cognition.

Situational Disability Perspective: Individuals are not innately abled or disabled, but rather are disabled by their circumstances. For example, if a process is designed for the most common individual, and explicitly neglects those who interact with the world differently, then those individuals may be "disabled" by those artificially constructed circumstances.

Disability Perspective: A handicap - physical or mental impairment that limits an individuals ability to engage in one or more major life activities .

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